Fighting for a better world
with stories.

Eisner-nominated Triple Dream Comics is a magical girl team like no other. With the power of words and pictures, Mel Hilario, Katie Longua, and Lauren Davis (along with our trusty companion Curtis the Boxer) create stories that help readers better understand the world around them.

We don’t just introduce readers to topics related to science, technology, history, and law; we also provide the social context to explain how those subjects relate to their daily lives. Our debut graphic novel, Debian Perl, Digital Detective, lays out the basics of coding and computer science, but also tackles corporate control of digital ecosystems, issues of legal personhood and consent, and the importance of standing up for yourself and your friends. Together and separately, we’ve worked on toys, video games, animation, short fiction, nonfiction articles, and, of course, comics.

Triple Dream Comics is represented by Dara Hyde of Hill Nadell Literary Agency.